Thursday, August 10, 2006

JMS Party During Japan's Outrage

Disturbing stories are coming out of Japan relating to the Cult of Jeong Myeong and numerous rapes....

Click here for more details.

Meanwhile, captainporridge has been owrking undercover to capture the mood in the cult now that this scandal has hit the press.


Anonymous said...

I tried to go back again on Saturday - to their Supermodel contest - but security was tight and they weren't letting anyone in who wasn't vouched for by a cult member.
Plus I think they were on the look out for me... really!
What a trip!!

Incidentally, they were advertising for models for that event in Londobn a few months ago.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Sam,

My site was taken down following complaints from the cult that my forum broke the proboards TOS, which I thought was bullshit...
anyway I had backed it all up, and have rehosted a copy of my old site here:

And what sparked the cult's efforts to get my site closed was a some questions asked by student reporters at Univ California San Diego.

Their questions seemed to totally freak out the cult...

Here's the resulting article:

Abed said...

Hey man, loved your last post on GuardianUnlimited. Couldn't quite figure out where to leave comments--except the obvious place, on the Guardian site, but they would've been drowned out--so I've put them here. Check out my blog some time, I do similar rants, but usually from a Muslim standpoint--the insanity of religion is universal, I believe.