Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Vatican's war record

Here's a fascinating article about the continuing controversy surrounding Pope Pius XII and the Vatican's continuing lack of candour about their war record.


Saturday, May 06, 2006

Great British Yoga Festival to be held at Osho cult centre

The Great British Yoga Festival has been recommended in today's Weekend supplement of The Guardian newspaper. This innocent seeming event is being held at Osho Leela, the headquarters of a cult viewed by many experts in the field as extremely dangerous and destructive and which has a long mucky history of mental and physical abuse, and even, on one notable occasion, engaged in bio-terrorism.

Various extremely problematic 'therapy' techniques are practiced there, which have often been likened to brainwashing. It is a place no one should go without a thorough understanding of what they are getting into - and how to get back out again.

For more information on the weird, wonderful and very dangerous history of the Osho cult, click here.