Friday, March 31, 2006

More damned statistics

A study by the university of Minnesota has discovered that Atheists are America's most distrusted minority. The university's newsletter states:

"From a telephone sampling of more than 2,000 households, university researchers found that Americans rate atheists below Muslims, recent immigrants, gays and lesbians and other minority groups in 'sharing their vision of American society.' Atheists are also the minority group most Americans are least willing to allow their children to marry"

The paper went on:

"Many of the study's respondents associated atheism with an array of moral indiscretions ranging from criminal behavior to
rampant materialism and cultural elitism."

Incredibly atheists are thought to account for less than 3 per cent of the American population.

So much for free thought.

Meanwhile, click here for a neat summary of the dangers of Scientology

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Want to be a Scientologist?

Well,* you'll have to sign this first.

Scan down to 2.d for the scary legal bit : "I accept and assume all known and unknown risks of injury, loss, or damage resulting from my decision to participate in the Introspection Rundown and specifically absolve all persons and entities from all liabilities of any kind, without limitation, associated with my participation or their participation in my Introspection Rundown."

Before you sign up for that, however, you might want to look at the information on this site about Lisa Mcpherson. In the 17 days before she died, Lisa was in the care of Scientology t the Ft. Harrison Hotel in Clearwater. They claimed she wasn't in bad shape until the last day. The photos make that seem fairly unlikely.

*according to the rumours rushing round the web at least...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Cargo arrives!

The John Frum Cargo Cult believes that that their long promised ship loads of presents may finally be on the way. When the government of Vanatu announced news recently of a Millennium Challenge Fund from the US cult followers on the island of Tanna were very pleased indeed.

As Radio Vannatu explains: "Minister of Finance, Willie Jimmy Tapangararua confirmed that the government was aware of the misunderstanding and confusion surrounding the US Millennium Challenge Account, amongst members of the cult movement.

John Frum representative in Parliament under the umbrella of the Union of Moderate Parties (UMP), Hon. Keasipai Song, told parliament this morning that members of this cargo cult, believed that the Millennium Fund, was a fulfillment of promises by its founder, John Frum, an American medical corpsman, who promised the bushmen after the war, of ship loads of presents.

MP Song said he has found it difficult to convince them to believe otherwise.

"“I can explain to them how the funds were made possible for Vanuatu to develop its infrastructure but I will not be wearing the right glove to clearly deliver that message to them," he told parliament.

"“Can you yourself, Hon. Minister of Finance, come to Tanna to explain it to them," he asked.

In response, Minister Jimmy confirmed that the government is aware of the "“problem"” and that it is looking at engaging a team consisting of members of the TCS to travel to Tanna to explain it how the funds were made available to the Vanuatu Government and the people of Vanuatu."

Looks like they'll be waiting for a while yet then...

For an outline of the strange story and incredible beliefs of the Cargo Cults, click here